I went to the doctor’s today to pick up my compression socks, get a flu shot and get my staples removed. I am surprised that removing the staples was so painless. You can not feel it at all, except for the sensation of hair pulling a bit when they accidentally grabbed some hair. Olivier did not want to get his flu shot, so I went first so he could see what it was like, then Xavier, Mel and finally Olivier. I had asked Xavier when he was done if it hurt and he said a little, but he knew he had to be a good example for his brother so he told him it did not hurt at all. Olivier said it hurt, but he went last. Xavier wants to get his Covid-19 vaccine, while Olivier is terrified to get it. The plan is to get it in a couple of weeks. We are trying to schedule it between some hockey sessions so he does not have it right before a game. We chatted with the doctor a bit after we were done getting the shots and Olivier was checked out. It was interesting as we discussed how everyone missed so many signs and how easy it was to attribute to something else. It was not something that could not be explained by something else. You generally will diagnose based on what you see and what is statistically plausible. There were so many things that could be explained that you would not think that it was due to a brain bleed. There was always something that could explain every symptom that showed up. The one good thing at least is that we found it and we dealt with the issue. Now that this is over it makes it seem so obvious what was happening.
I am no longer creepy so Olivier says I can give him hugs and put him to bed now as long as I wear something on my head. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks now to get my hair cut and I think I will go with a shave all the way around to allow it time to even out. When you look at my head now it looks weird because the scalp is dry, the hair is greasy and it is all messy all at once. A wonderful look for me. It has started to snow again and Xavier is pretty awesome at making sure that the snow is shoveled. There are some things that I need to set up so that the shoveling is done well, but I can do it over the next couple of days. I am not permitted to shovel or do any physical labor. I started work again today and it is going well as long as I do not sit in long meetings all day long. My physiotherapist is no longer coming to visit me as she thinks I am doing much better. I told her that I walked 4500 steps yesterday and was able to walk through Costco and Walmart. I just need to be careful that I do not do too much.