Today was surprisingly a bit more tired than usual. It seems that my sleeping is a bit disrupted now, but hopefully it will get back on track shortly. Thinking back on the journey so far compared to what a lot of people go through I think I have been lucky.
1.) I first found out that I had cancer immediately before I was scheduled for a meeting with leadership and my manager. I received the call from the doctor and she seemed to be in a bit of a turmoil, I am sure that it was not an easy call for her to make. Once I heard I knew I was not in the proper head space and I sent a message to my manager indicating I just received some bad news and I would fill them in later. The first reaction from my manager was not about work, but about my well being first and foremost. There was no hesitation to worry about work and just about my health. I am in a work environment that embraces well being of the person first and foremost.
2.) I mentioned yesterday that Mel at first was distressed from the news, which is to be expected. I was shocked to hear it, but she is a planner and likes things organized. So she started thinking of all the things that we need to do to make sure that things are taken care of. She is my strongest advocator for my care and without her I am not sure if I would be as on top of things. She has strong organization skills and knows what questions to ask since I am oblivious to what I need or should be doing. Without her assistance the journey would be much harder.
3.) As odd as this sounds, I am grateful for this experience. I see it as a test of my resilience and define what I can or can not accomplish. Failure is not an option. Looking back on my life, it is a miracle that I got to where I currently am. It puts things into perspective of what is important in life and what is not. It sheds light on who your fair weather friends are and who genuinely want to help you. It is a great litmus test on which friends will rally around you to help out. It has reinforced that I am extremely blessed and surrounded by wonderful people.