Yesterday I was exhausted and went to bed before the kids. I wanted to write yesterday, but I went to bed before 9pm and slept till 7am. Mel was a bit worried and considering the last month or so, it is quite warranted. She said that if I did not perk up this morning then I would be going to emergency. This morning I was fine though and back to normal. Saturday was the Lions Telethon and normally we decorate the house and watch it. Xavier had hockey though so we were out. Last year Olivier wanted to donate $100 of his own money. He was quite generous and told him that he did not have to give so much. This year he started with 10 cents, we said no. Then he countered with 10 quarters. We asked him what toy could be buy with $2.50. He eventually agreed to $25. Xavier wanted to give $52.84. The amusing thing is that I never give whole numbers and neither does my sister. I did not realize that my sister does the same thing. The reason why I did it was because the likelihood of you spending exactly $50 or something is low. My sister said she only does it for people she knows so people do not think she is re-gifting a used gift card. It came across the TV with a randomly odd amount. Some people noticed and messaged me about it.
Xavier had a hockey game today and they lost. He played well and stopped 45/57 shots. The parents on the other team made comments about the goaltending on our team. Parents on our team were sitting close to those parents and told us about it. It was a nice environment with parents on both sides cheering with good plays and for some of the goals. Xavier’s team scored 2 goals for the first time outside of the tournament. One of the comments was that Xavier moved really well and we had a chat about how you need to focus on the basics and the small things. That is something that he is good at, concentrating on small things and getting better at the little things. His private coach spends time focusing on small things and the basics and you can see it reflected in his playing style. There are certain movements that he does that I can see directly from his coach. His coach is having a huge impact on his development and will help shape how he grows up.
I am friends with a lot of the parents on the other team and have not seen them for a long time so I caught up with them. They asked me how my year has been so I informed them about the adventures of the cancer and brain surgery. Everyone I spoke to was surprised that I did not take more time off of work, but I think I took enough time off. I took some days here and there. I had to take more time off for the brain surgery though. I feel fantastic now though and was able to drive to the arena in Copper Cliff. My kids asked if I could drive and they were surprised that I could. They have been use to me not driving for months now, so now that I was driving it was surprising for them.